Monday, October 17, 2011

Videos from the Brain

This is crazy. I still don't understand exactly how this can be possible. It also poses many many questions about reality versus perception. In the last paragraph of the article, it foreshadows our ability to be able to read people's mind and watch their memories. This is so invasive, I cannot even imagine it ever being legal in any way to be used in let's say a judicial manner. I can see how this would drastically change our judicial system because if there was a murder, we would just read the suspect's memories and watch them commit the murder if they were guilty. But this also brings into question the difference between imagination and reality. I can easily imagine myself committing a crime but that doesn't mean i actually committed it.

This is such a drastic jump in technology that it will take a lot of time for humanity to feel comfortable with it. As much as it scares me, i can see this being used in the distant future.

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